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CDOT Offering Breathalyzers At 50% Off To Reduce DUIs

August 29, 2019 – David W. Foley – Firm News

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

In an effort to reduce alcohol-related accidents over the Labor Day holiday weekend, Colorado authorities are launching an anti-drunk-driving campaign called The Heat Is On. As part of the campaign, the Colorado Department of Transportation is offering BACtrack breathalyzers to the public at a 50% discount. Drivers can use the portable devices to measure their blood alcohol content levels before they get behind the wheel of a car.

During the campaign, The Colorado State Patrol and 85 local law enforcement agencies will target individuals who they suspect are driving while drunk. Nearly 940 impaired drivers were arrested during the 2018 initiative. The effort is designed to cut down on injuries and deaths caused by drunk driving crashes in the weeks leading up to Labor Day. In 2018, 209 people lost their lives in alcohol-related crashes on Colorado roads. Of those deaths, 44 occurred in August and September.

To prevent accidents and arrests, Colorado drivers are being given the opportunity to purchase personal breathalyzers at a reduced price during the campaign. The devices, which are manufactured by BACtrack, normally cost $99, but Coloradans can purchase them for just $49 until September ends. The Foundation for Advanced Alcohol Responsibility supports the initiative, which is the first of its kind in the United States. It isn’t available in any other state.

Individuals charged with DUI or OUI can face harsh consequences if they are convicted. Possible penalties include jail time, fines, the loss of driving privileges and the mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device. However, a criminal defense attorney could strive to protect a defendant’s future by developing a drunk driving defense against the prosecution’s case. In some situations, this could get the charges reduced. In other situations, the charges could be completely dismissed.

Source:, “CDOT Offering 50% Off Breathalyzers During DUI Campaign ,” Amber Fisher, Aug. 16, 2019

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