Are you one of our Colorado readers? Maybe you are visiting our website from a different part of the country? Regardless of where you live, here is something to always remember: There is nothing simple about a sex crime.
All sex offenses are serious. If you have been charged with any type of sex crime, from rape to sexual assault on a child, it is imperative that you know your rights. Furthermore, you should fully understand the charges and what type of punishment you are facing.
Once you are charged with a sex crime, police will want to speak with you. They may also want to confiscate some of your property and examine your home. As scary as this may be, you must keep in mind that you have rights. Even though you have been charged with a crime, it doesn’t mean that police can do whatever they want, whenever they want.
In addition to the charges and potential punishment, there are other consequences of a conviction. This includes losing your job, being looked down upon in your community, and losing your sense of financial security.
There are times when police overlook what they should be doing because they want to convict a person of a sex crime. This is why you must have a solid understanding of the law.
Our website is full of information related to all types of sex crimes. If you or a loved one has been charged with this type of crime, it is time to learn more about your situation and what the future holds. Get started on our Sexual Offense webpage.