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The Long-Term Impact Of Domestic Violence

April 20, 2015 – David W. Foley – Domestic Violence

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

Most domestic violence involves physical violence that leads directly to immediate physical injury. However, these injuries — like a black eye, for example — usually heal rather quickly, leading some people to believe that the impact of that violence is behind them. However, studies have shown that this type of violence can actually have quite a large long-term impact, bringing on consequences that are not nearly so obvious.

The problem is that a relationship that includes domestic violence often leads to a lot of stress and anxiety. Stress is not good for the body at all, and everyone reacts to it differently. For some, it can lead to high blood pressure, nausea and more.

In fact, this chronic stress has now been linked to things like diabetes and asthma, along with higher anxiety levels. This anxiety has also been said to lead to depression. Even when the physical evidence fades, people could be forced to deal with these issues for years to come or even for the rest of their lives.

Additionally, some studies show that the abuse of alcohol and drugs can be an issue for those who have suffered in the past. They may use these things to reduce the aforementioned stress, looking for a quick distraction even though they know that alcohol and drugs can just lead to more stress and related issues.

It’s important to know about all of these things if you’ve been accused of domestic violence in Colorado Springs because the prosecution may bring them up if your case goes to trial. If so, you must know what effect they can have on the case and what legal options you have in response.

Source: Huffington Post, “Joe Biden: Domestic Violence Is A ‘Public Health Epidemic’,” Melissa Jeltsen, accessed April. 20, 2015

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