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Military Members And Charges Of Domestic Violence

August 14, 2016 – David W. Foley – Domestic Violence

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

A domestic violence conviction can have significant effects on your personal and professional life. In addition to possible jail time and high fines, you could also lose your right to possess a firearm.

If you are in the military, the penalties can be career-ending. For example, your security clearance and your military rank could suffer significantly. You may see a temporary reduction in your pay.

At The Foley Law Firm, we protect the rights of both civilians and military members who have been accused of domestic violence. Attorney David Foley wrote the book that is in the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s office on domestic violence. The training program prosecutors go through on domestic violence was created by attorney Foley. He knows the strategies and tactics the prosecutors will use and he understands how they will think.

The Foley Law Firm will investigate the domestic violence or abuse complaint and negotiate with the prosecution. If necessary, we will stay one step ahead of them if they attempt to convict you of a crime you were falsely accused of.

If you are worried about how a charge for domestic violence could impact you or your military career, it is important that you understand the possible consequences of the charges. In addition, you need to know your legal options for defending yourself against those charges. Our experienced criminal defense lawyers are former prosecutors who can help you, even at your initial consultation at a police state or jail following your arrest. To learn more about domestic violence and how we can help, take a look at our webpages on the topic.

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