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How your criminal record impacts your career

October 5, 2018 – David W. Foley – Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

You may already know that some companies refuse to hire people with a criminal record. It can completely bar you from some jobs and career paths, regardless of your college degree or your experience.

However, it is important to look a bit deeper. Even when you manage to land a job, the type of record you have may determine the type of position that it makes sense to apply for. This is not just important to think about when starting a career, but young people need to keep it in mind when going to college. Certain paths may no longer make sense.

For instance, some experts note that those with criminal records could be wise to pursue a degree — and then a career — in engineering. It pays well, discrimination in hiring is described as minimal, and companies do not have to worry about you working directly with customers. The demand also remains fairly high in this industry, which makes it easier to get a job because companies that need to hire are more apt to take a chance on someone with a record.

On the other hand, if you got a DUI, any job that includes driving is pretty much off-limits. If you have a felony, the same goes for any job that requires you to carry or use a firearm. If you were involved in fraud or theft, financial positions may be completely out of reach.

Because a record can have this type of impact on your schooling, your career and your future, you need to know about all the legal defense options you have when facing charges.

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