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How Do I Recognize The Signs Of Domestic Violence?

September 20, 2017 – David W. Foley – Domestic Violence

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

Relationships are a special part of life. They involve significant others, family members, friends and acquaintances. Relationships can take an ugly turn when domestic violence and abuse is present. It can be difficult for victims of domestic violence to ask for help and to find the courage to leave. So, how do you recognize the signs of domestic violence in Colorado Springs?

The very first step in seeking help is recognizing the signs of an abusive relationship. The number one, most telling sign, is that you live in fear of your spouse, partner or significant other. If you are always mindful of what you have to say in fear of starting an explosive fight, you are likely involved in an abusive relationship. If you worry about what your spouse will think when you are not home or how they will react to the slightest of issues, the relationship is a toxic one.

Some other signs of domestic violence include the following:

  • Spouse constantly belittles you or puts down your accomplishments
  • You fear for your safety on a regular basis
  • You get blamed for your spouse’s abusive actions by your spouse
  • Your spouse threatens to harm or kill him or herself if you leave
  • Your spouse forces you to have sex
  • Your spouse destroys or breaks your belongings
  • Your spouse threatens to hurt or kill you
  • You are embarrassed to be around others because of your spouse’s behavior

Are you in an abusive relationship in El Paso County? An experienced criminal law attorney will be able to guide you through the legal waters and help you file a restraining order as you look to begin a new life.

Source: Help Guide, “Domestic Violence and Abuse,” accessed Oct. 20, 2017

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