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Fight Domestic Violence Charges To Avoid Serious Consequences

January 25, 2016 – David W. Foley – Domestic Violence

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

Domestic violence charges can quickly turn your world upside down. You may not be able to see your children, enter your home or possess a firearm. Military members charged with domestic violence could see their careers end.

At The Foley Law Firm, our attorneys are former prosecutors. They understand the tactics and strategies that the prosecution may use. In fact, while in the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s office, attorney Foley created the training program for prosecutors to use when dealing with those charged with domestic violence.

Our experienced attorneys can stay ahead of the prosecution. We thoroughly investigate each case, can negotiate with the prosecution and will take the case to trial when necessary. We can help if you are facing charges for:

— Spousal or child abuse

— Reckless endangerment

— Intimidation

— Criminal trespass

— Stalking

— Harassment

Verbal, physical or financial abuse

— Terroristic threats

When you are first arrested, it is imperative that you are aware of your rights. You do have the right to remain silent and to contact an attorney. Anything you say to police or investigators can be used against you, so it’s important to ask for an attorney and stay silent. Let us handle the questions and then we can get to work on developing a strong defense strategy in your case.

Domestic violence charges are serious and come with severe penalties. At The Foley Law Firm, we will protect your rights while you face these charges.

To learn more about domestic violence charges, please visit our webpage on the subject.

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