A criminal traffic violation is a big deal. Depending on the circumstances, this could result in a license suspension, fine, or even time in prison.
If you are charged with this type of crime, it is important to understand your legal rights. The last thing you want is to get a criminal record because of a traffic violation.
Some of the most common criminal traffic violations include:
— Driving with a suspended license.
— Driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
— Driving under revocation.
— Refusing to take a breath test.
— Reckless or careless driving.
— Allowing an unlicensed driver to operate your vehicle.
— Hit and run.
— Vehicular homicide.
— Vehicular assault.
As you can see, some of these traffic violations are more serious than others. For example, the consequences of vehicular homicide are more serious than driving with a suspended license. Even so, regardless of the crime of which you have been charged, you need to do your best to avoid additional trouble.
Have you been charged with a criminal traffic violation? Are you confused as to why this happened?
Our attorneys know the law, including the defense strategies you can employ to improve the likelihood of avoiding a criminal record. The sooner you contact us the sooner you will understand what is going on.
You can learn more about traffic violations and criminal offenses on our website. If you require personal advice, don’t hesitate to call us or reach out online. Either way, we want to give you the help you need at this trying time.