Being charged with theft can bring about penalties and sentencing that range from minor to severe. A simple theft case can turn your life upside down, even if you’ve never been charged with a prior crime. Today, we will take a look at the penalties and sentencing for theft charges in Colorado Springs.
The type of property that was stolen will help to determine the penalties and sentencing issued by the judge. Petty theft charges are issued against those who steal property that is worth less than $1,000. These are misdemeanor charges that come with jail time of less than one year and minimal fines.
For property stolen that is worth more than $1,000, you could be facing charges of grand theft. If you are charged with grand theft you could be facing jail time, restitution and fines. If the theft involved a motor vehicle, you will face a grand theft auto charge, which could come with even higher fines, restitution and longer jail time.
Your criminal history will also come into play when dealing with a theft charge in El Paso. If you are a repeat offender, you will receive less leniency compared to someone who might be facing his or her first criminal charge. Even if your criminal history does not involve theft, it can still play a role in sentencing. If the charge sticks, it will be discoverable on any background checks performed on you by potential employers.
If you are facing theft charges in El Paso County, be sure to speak with an experienced criminal law attorney about your case and how you can fight those charges in court.
Source: Findlaw, “Theft Penalties and Sentencing,” accessed Oct. 04, 2017