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Common Causes Of Bus Accidents

August 9, 2022 – admin – Motor Vehicle Accidents

Common causes of bus accidents | Colorado Springs, CO 80903

People utilize various forms of transport across the state of Colorado. Some people jump in the car to get to work, while others hop on the bus. Many choose to get around on foot when they do not have considerable distances to travel.

The downside of these various forms of moving around is that accidents can occur. Buses are notably bigger than most other vehicles, meaning that smaller vehicles will come off worse in a crash. The results of a collision with a pedestrian can also be catastrophic.

How do bus accidents happen and what are your options if you’ve been injured in one?

When the driver is at fault

Bus driving provides a steady source of employment for many people, but this job also comes with responsibilities. Bus drivers need to be alert at all times and aware of potential hazards. Like other drivers, they should not be distracted by texting and other electronic devices. In fact, the responsibility to drive safely is arguably greater for bus drivers because they are directly responsible for the safety of their passengers.

When the bus company is at fault

Bus companies are also subject to strict regulations. For instance, all buses must be maintained to a safe standard. Drivers should not be overworked and need adequate rest breaks. A person cannot simply jump on a bus and start driving the public around either. Companies must ensure that they have been provided with adequate training.

If your injuries have been caused by a bus driver error or negligence by the bus company, then you may be entitled to compensation. Seeking legal guidance on the matter will give you a better indication of your options.

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