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3 ways to develop your criminal defense

February 2, 2018 – David W. Foley – Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

It doesn’t matter what kind of crime you’ve been accused of. You have the right to formulate a criminal defense, and you also have the right to a criminal trial. During your criminal proceedings, you will need to choose the way you intend to approach and respond to your charges.

Your decision about which path to choose will largely depend on the nuances of the facts and evidence being presented against you and the potential punishments associated with conviction. You will usually have one of three options available for your defense. These options relate to the way you tell the “story” of what happened.

The confession story

A confession story involves you admitting that you committed the crime or action at issue in your legal proceedings. The confession story may be useful if the prosecution has irrefutable evidence that will likely lead to a conviction.

By employing a confession story, a defendant can plead guilty, possibly as a part of a negotiated plea deal, which could bring the defendant reduced punishments.

The complete denial story

With the complete denial story, the defendant will deny the prosecution’s allegations and charges. The defendant may submit evidence to support his or her claims that he or she could not have committed the crime.

The admit and explain story

In this criminal defense tactic, the defendant will admit to the action in question while offering an explanation. For example, maybe the defendant had to drive drunk in order to take a friend to the hospital.

There are many avenues one can take in defending against a criminal charge. Ultimately, the pathway you take will depend on the unique facts of your case and the goals you have for your criminal proceedings.

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