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You Can Still Face Harsh Consequences Involving Marijuana

May 28, 2021 – David W. Foley – Drug Crimes

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

You Can Still Face Harsh Consequences Involving Marijuana

When lawmakers legalized the recreational use of marijuana, many Colorado residents believed that the new law meant they could do whatever they wanted with the drug. However, this is not the case. People in Colorado must still abide by the law when it comes to using and possessing marijuana.

For example, it remains illegal for unauthorized individuals to sell marijuana in Colorado. To avoid drug charges, you must also abide by state statutes regarding marijuana possession for personal use.

Consequences marijuana violations still face

Colorado law enforcement agencies take marijuana violations very seriously. Cannabis-related charges can result in serious felony charges:

  • Level 2 drug felony: The sale of 5-50 pounds to an adult or three ounces to two-and-a-half pounds of marijuana to a Minor can result in as much as $750,000 in fines or eight years in jail
  • Level 3 drug felony: The sale of 12 ounces to five pounds of marijuana to an adult or one to three ounces to a minor can result in as much as $500,000 in fines or four years in jail.
  • Level 4 drug felony. The possession of between one and 10 pounds of marijuana. A conviction on this charge could mean up to 10 years of imprisonment and fines reaching $20,000.

Using marijuana legally in Colorado reduces your risk of having to face a related drug charge or conviction. However, it’s essential to be sure you understand what is permitted and what is not before you leave your home. If you have been arrested on criminal charges involving marijuana, an experienced attorney can provide valuable guidance and help protect your rights.

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