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What Should You Do At A DUI Roadblock?

November 21, 2015 – David W. Foley – Drunk Driving

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

With the holiday season in full force, police departments throughout the country will be setting up DUI roadblocks. Their goal is simple — to get drunk drivers off the road. While they may have the best intentions, this often leads to a situation in which a person is treated poorly.

If you are 100 percent sober and find yourself stopped at a DUI roadblock, you don’t have anything to worry about. Simply answer what is asked of you and move on when you are told to do so.

On the flipside, if you have consumed alcohol, you may be subjected to additional questioning and testing.

You have a variety of rights during your time at a DUI checkpoint. Above all else, you can tell the police that you refuse to speak with them unless your lawyer is present. This may be something you have to do if police plan on taking you into custody.

You also have the right to request the opportunity to arrange for your property, such as your vehicle, to be taken care of so it is not impounded.

Finally, don’t be afraid to make it clear that you want to leave if you are not under arrest.

A DUI roadblock is not a time to be combative. However, you need to know your rights and do whatever it takes to protect them.

There is always the chance you could find yourself at a DUI checkpoint during the holiday season. If the time comes, make sure you know your rights, what to do, and how to remove yourself safely from the situation.

Source: National Motorists Association, “What To Do At A DUI Roadblock,” accessed Nov. 19, 2015

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