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What Constitutes Felony Menacing in Colorado?

August 11, 2016 – David W. Foley – Felonies

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

Everyone gets mad and says things they don’t mean. In fact, many people who have been in a fit of rage have been known to make comments that seem threatening or indicate a desire to harm another individual. A situation such as this could be linked to something as simple as a person’s inability to control their anger to something more serious, such as intoxication.

Regardless of whether an individual acts on the threats they make means little in Colorado because simply making threats that cause or attempt to cause fear of bodily harm in another individual constitutes a misdemeanor crime. But that charge can escalate to a felony rather quickly if the threat is made with a deadly weapon.

What constitutes a deadly weapon in Colorado?

Colorado Code 18-1-901 defines a deadly weapon as an object, device or weapon that is used in a manner that would otherwise indicate intent to inflict serious bodily harm or death, or used in a manner that is capable of causing serious bodily harm or death. This means everything from a kitchen knife to a firearm may be classified as a deadly weapon in connection with the criminal charge of menacing.

You need strong representation and a strong defense

Whether you believe the charge of felony menacing arose out of a false allegation or because of an incident between you and your spouse during an argument or altercation, contacting a seasoned defense attorney is good first step toward developing a strong defense strategy against these very serious charges.

Simply telling the court you were too drunk to remember what you said is not a good defense – nor an admissible one in Colorado. Only a lawyer with experience handling felony crimes understands the laws at work and can help you navigate the legal challenges ahead.

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