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Domestic Violence Leads to Arrest of Elementary School Principal

January 15, 2016 – David W. Foley – Domestic Violence

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

Several parents expressed their concern about the arrest of the principal at Zach White Elementary in El Paso, Texas. One mother said it was unacceptable, while another said that everyone should just wait and trust that the legal system will come to a decision that is just and fair.

The principal was arrested at the police headquarters of the El Paso Independent School District. His charge is assault causing bodily injury. The alleged victim is his wife, who is also employed by the school district. According to police, the couple argued over the wife’s asking her husband if he had been having an affair. When they arrived at home, the man allegedly shoved his wife, which caused her to fall to the floor of the garage. The man then allegedly kicked her and screamed at her.

The arrest affidavit said that the husband also punched her in the eye and again knocked her to the ground. At some point during this altercation, the woman reported that her husband grabbed her throat and smashed her head into the wall. According to police, there were signs of the reported abuse on the woman, including a “swollen eye with a purple ring around it.”

By the time police arrived at the home, the husband was gone. The wife wanted a protective order, but reports do not indicate if it was issued.

School district officials have reported that the principal is still employed and is not on administrative leave; however, they did not want to comment on the incident because of its personal nature.

A conviction for domestic abuse can have a significant impact on many areas of your life. From your work to your relationship with friends and family, this is one charge you should vigorously fight. An experienced attorney can provide you with more information on how to develop a strong defense.

Source:, “Elementary school principal arrested following family violence incident,” Genevieve Curtis, Jan. 07, 2016

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