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Colorado Gun Rights Under Attack

March 26, 2015 – David W. Foley – Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Call 719-757-1182

Are you aware of Colorado’s new gun laws linking your gun rights to domestic violence? The link is so strong, in fact, that Colorado law now makes it possible to have your guns taken away AND to put you in jail even though you have done nothing wrong.

You read that last part correctly: even though you have done nothing wrong, Colorado’s new laws linking domestic violence to your gun makes it possible for you to lose your guns and to be put in jail even though you have done nothing wrong.

How could this be possible? To help you understand Colorado’s baffling new law connecting domestic violence to your gun rights, we published a white paper entitled, “Colorado’s Vague Connection: Guns And Domestic Violence.”

You can use our white paper to understand how this new law affects the rights of

  1. Members of the military
  2. Law enforcement officials
  3. Hunters
  4. Everyday citizens

This new law can conceivably ruin your career even if you have done nothing wrong. Make sure you review our white paper to learn about this law and what you can do to change the law before it affects you or someone you care about.

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